Ence plans to invest 120 million euros in its Pontevedra factory over the next six years as part of the improvement plan called “Pontevedra Avanza”. This investment is based on the company’s good economic results and is aimed at improving the Lourizán factory to produce new products made from cellulose, which could replace plastics.
This investment plan, which has been submitted to public exhibition, includes environmental improvements in the pulp manufacturing process, as well as in water management and emissions control. These improvements are expected to increase the factory’s efficiency and competitiveness, enabling ENCE to remain at the forefront of the international market and contributing to the generation of employment and sustainable wealth in the region.
The Diario Oficial de Galicia (DOG) has informed that the investment plan is being submitted to public information for two months, with the qualification of Project of Autonomic Interest.
The works included in this plan cover environmental improvements, updates in the wood yard, in the pulp manufacturing process, in the biomass boiler, the lime kilns, the water cycle, emissions control, as well as the optimization of the loading chamber and pumping with its connection to the submarine outfall.
This project will enable Ence Pontevedra to produce and supply high-quality specialty cellulosic products from Pontevedra that could replace long fiber and plastics in various applications. It will also increase the plant’s efficiency and competitiveness, ensuring its leadership position and contributing to the generation of sustainable employment and wealth in the region.