Global Tissue NewsNews

Metsä Group: Incident at Kemi Bioproducts Mill and its Production Ramifications

Explosion and Hydrogen Sulfide Exposure Disrupts Operations and Affects Metsä Board Plant

Last Thursday, a gas explosion occurred at Metsä Group’s Kemi bioproducts factory in the evaporation plant during welding work in the evaporation plant.  As a result, three workers suffered minor exposure to hydrogen sulfide and were sent for medical evaluation. After examination, they were able to return to work.

Subsequently, the affected area was secured and an investigation was initiated to assess the material damage. According to the information available, it is estimated that the repair work will take between 10 and 12 weeks. Resumption of production will depend on the completion of the repair work and the assurance of a safe environment at the plant. Further investigations are currently underway to determine the full extent of the damage, and the schedule of activities will be adjusted as these investigations progress.

It should be noted that the production shutdown at the Kemi bioproducts mill also affected Metsä Board’s Kemi board plant, which is part of the same integrated mill. Since the raw pulp required for board production depends on the chemical cycle of the bioproducts mill, the disruption at the latter has resulted in the suspension of activities at the board plant.


Metsa Group
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