Paper Excellence to plant 1,000 tree seedlings
The company partnered with Cumberland Wood Products to plant tree seedlings with Cumberland House Cree Nation

Paper Excellence recently partnered with Cumberland Wood Products (CWP) to plant 1,000 jack pine seedlings in and around the First Nation community of Cumberland House. Cumberland House Cree Nation formed CWP to provide economic benefits directly to the communities and shareholders who remain stewards of Kitaskīnaw, the Saskatchewan River Delta.
This spring, using seedlings facilitated by Paper Excellence through its partnership in Meadow Lake, CWP managed the plant with several volunteers from the community on May 27 and June 3.
The jack pine is native to Saskatchewan and produces excellent habitat for local plant and animal species. The seedlings planted this year will provide a natural ecosystem buffer for key areas around the Northern Saskatchewan community, and serve to naturally enhance the regrowth on reserve.
“Paper Excellence understands the importance of being good neighbours and greatly values its relationships with Indigenous communities,” said Carlo Dal Monte, Vice President Energy and Strategic Development for Paper Excellence. “We’re pleased to be able to partner with Cumberland Wood Products on this project to support Cumberland House Cree Nation in the conservation and utilization of resources in their traditional territory.”
“Cumberland Wood Products is an ecosystem services management company that sees tremendous partnership and commercial relationship potential within the forestry industry and other sectors. Realizing this project’s success with Paper Excellence and our shareholder, Cumberland House Cree Nation, demonstrates the potential of partnership for social, environmental, and economic benefit” said Aaron Kuchirka, CPA, Chief Executive Officer, Cumberland Wood Products
“We value these opportunities to build relationships with local Indigenous communities,” said Dale Richardson, Community Relations Manager for Paper Excellence. “Paper Excellence has worked in partnership with the Meadow Lake Tribal Council through Mistik Management Limited for the last decade. However, we recognize we have more work to do and his is a small step in the right direction.”