Tork continues to promote its Take Back the Lunch Break campaign among its workers
The campaign began in 2018 to raise awareness about the positive effects of eating lunch for the well-being of workers, and today the company continues to push it

Tork, an Essity brand and a global leader in hygiene, recently conducted a survey and the results show that employees still skip the lunch break, despite 91% of those surveyed working as much or more during the COVID-19 pandemic.
According to Tork, 68% of people who worked in offices or other work settings today work full time from home because the pandemic drastically changed the way they work. Still, the workers do not find time for lunch.
This survey also revealed that 39% of people say they only occasionally, or never, take breaks during the workday. Even 22% of people feel guilty or judged when they leave the job at noon or at lunchtime. These percentages surprise the company since 91% of people expressed that they have worked as much, or more, than before the pandemic and 94% recognize that they feel happier when they can take a break. Taking a lunch break, particularly with a takeout, has a positive effect on employee happiness, engagement and productivity, and helps support local restaurants, the company says.
In this same survey, Tork found that women are twice as likely (67%) not to take a break as men (33%), and when women take a break, they are more likely to spend more time on breaks. household chores (22% versus 14%). This is because the boundaries between home and work life have narrowed considerably.
With the aim of raising awareness of the positive effects of eating lunch for the well-being of workers, Tork launched its Tork Take Back the Lunch Break campaign in 2018. This year, Tork continues this important initiative by encouraging people to “Take a Takeaway Break”, benefiting both employees and restaurants affected by the pandemic. Ordering take-out provides a boost to both workers and restaurants, with 52% of respondents reporting feeling less stressed knowing they didn’t have to cook or cleaning, and 44% said it felt good to support women. small local businesses.
According to Penni Tsavaris, Brand Communications Manager, Professional Hygiene at Essity, “this has been a year of change and disruption, but one bad habit that has remained constant is the lack of a meaningful lunch break.”
“For years, we’ve called employees to take back the lunch break because we know they are happier and more productive when they step away from work midday. Now, on National Take Back the Lunch Break Day, which falls on June 18 this year, when people take a break with takeout, they are also supporting restaurants and local economies during a critical period of recovery,” Penni said.
The survey showed that both employees and bosses have a lot to gain from taking a lunch break, such as:
- 94% of employees are happiest when they can take a lunch break during the workday.
- 94% of employees agree that taking a break gives them the opportunity to step back and gain a new perspective.
- 91% of employees and 93% of bosses agree or strongly agree that taking a break is an important part of maintaining your mental focus.
- 88% of employees and 91% of bosses say they return to work feeling refreshed and invigorated after taking a break.
- More than 9 in 10 employees say they are more likely to stay with a company where bosses encourage their employees to take a break.
To boost this campaign, and until June 18, the company created a dynamic for social networks where employees will have to take a photo during the lunch break, share how they feel when they leave to eat and use the hashtag #BreakWithTakeout. By complying with this dynamic, employees will have a chance to win a lunch at Tork, one of nine gifts, and cards valued at $ 50 for their next lunch. “Tork remains committed to helping workers regain their lunch break, as well as supporting local businesses as the restaurant industry recovers,” the company said.
Additionally, Tork is launching an operator contest to help restaurants boost their business during this recovery period. In this case, restaurants have the opportunity to participate and win $ 1,000 for free lunches for their diners.