INCAPE and Cia Canoinhas come together to help Rio Grande do Sul, in Brazil
Companies sent more than 3 thousand bales of toilet paper and paper towels, which will be delivered to two municipalities in the state affected by a climate crisis

In a joint action, INCAPE – Indústria Catarinense de Papéis Especiais and Cia Canoinhas have developed a social project to help families in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, that have been experiencing the effects of an unprecedented climate tragedy for more than 30 days. “Every little bit of help makes a difference and, by joining forces, the results become even more far-reaching and impactful,” said INCAPE.
In this way, last week, a truck with 12 tons of core stock, whose raw material is 100% recyclable paper scraps, manufactured at INCAPE, in the city of Benedito Novo, Santa Catarina, Brazil, left for Cia Canoinhas.
The load traveled 175km in one day and reached the municipality of Canoinhas, where it was transformed into 1,280 bales of Fofinho brand toilet paper (packaging with 64 rolls of 30 meters each) and another 200 bales of All Clean Paper Towel (with six rolls 200 meters each).
Furthermore, Cia Canoinhas embraced the idea, making available the same quantity of products that were donated to Rio Grande do Sul, which were delivered on May 31, 2024.

The bales were loaded at Cia Canoinhas and distributed equally in two trucks: one destined for the municipality of Cruzeiro do Sul and the other for Santa Maria, totaling more than 1,200 kilometers traveled to reach places that were difficult to access — but which, fortunately, have received a watchful eye and a lot of help on several fronts.
INCAPE’s CEO, Thiago Karam Westphalen, highlights that the initiative focuses on meeting an urgent need for residents of the State, which are hygiene items, and encouraging, through example, the adoption of collaborative practices for the benefit of Rio Grande do Sul.
“No action is small when it comes to helping those in need. The initiative aims to bring more dignity and quality of life to people who have been examples of resilience, strength and hope. Cia Canoinhas and INCAPE have a long-standing partnership and we are happy with the result of this collaborative action”, he highlights.
The board of directors, together with the shareholders of Cia Canoinhas de Papel, expresses its solidarity with everyone who suffered losses due to the flood in Rio Grande do Sul and so, again, now with the partnership of the company INCAPE, it sends hygiene products that will help those that they need.
It is the wish of Cia Canoinhas and INCAPE that support can alleviate everyone’s suffering. This is an initiative that aims to reinforce feelings of hope, strength and courage, thinking that, through unity, people can recover as soon as possible.