INCAPE graduates first class of the “Women in Papermaking” course
Initiative reinforced the company's commitment to the UN Global Pact

This year, driven by innovation, inclusion, and the pursuit of equal rights, INCAPE – Special Papers formed its first graduating class of the “Women in Papermaking” course. With great satisfaction, they provided training and awarded certificates to 11 women who, beyond attending the classes, were committed to seeking knowledge and making a difference.
In addition to being the only company in Latin America specializing in the production of core stock for the tissue market, a sector that increasingly demands innovation and attention to detail, INCAPE is dedicated to going further by promoting growth, knowledge, and the development of people, and in this specific case, women.
What began as a desire to break paradigms and make a difference through inclusion became a reality when the company’s administrative director, Joseidy Gomes de Oliveira, together with the Human Resources department, launched the “Women in Papermaking” project.
“All that we see today as new and advanced truly is. Important topics such as inclusion, equal rights, and the acceptance of women’s capacity and positive impact in the workforce, regardless of the sector, need to be discussed and deepened. Therefore, we are developing policies aimed at gender equality at INCAPE, helping women to gain a foothold in an area that today has a higher percentage of male occupancy”, said Joseidy.
In 2024, reinforcing its commitment to the community in terms of social and environmental responsibility, INCAPE signed the United Nations Global Pact, affirming its commitment to eight of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which are:
- SDG 05 – Gender Equality;
- SDG 06 – Clean Water and Sanitation;
- SDG 08 – Decent Work and Economic Growth;
- SDG 10 – Reduced Inequality;
- SDG 12 – Responsible Consumption and Production;
- SDG 13 – Climate Action;
- SDG 16 – Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions;
- SDG 17 – Partnerships for the Goals.
This initiative signifies progress and represents a significant step towards generating opportunities, social inclusion, sustainable and transparent growth, and quality of life.
The “Women in Papermaking” project was entirely developed within these commitments, in which the 11 participants had three modules of theoretical classes combined with practical lessons, covering the handling and operation knowledge of the boiler, rewinder, and forklift.
“Recently, we hired the first woman for the forklift operator position. Through the course, we made another hire for the rewinder function and a third hire in the mechanical sector, strengthening our team of female employees in the manufacturing sector. All are extremely dedicated and skilled. By example, we want to inspire other companies and sectors to engage in these causes and view inclusion with a more attentive and humane perspective, without ever overlooking professional qualifications”, stated Joseidy.
She also highlighted that there is space for all professionals who work with a focus on quality, commitment, and dedication to the process. Soon, the company will open its second class of the course, aimed at current employees and women from the community of Benedito Novo and the region in Santa Catarina.
Another step that reinforces INCAPE’s commitment to the journey of gender equality, challenging and breaking paradigms to build a world that is truly better and fairer for all.
“I am very happy that INCAPE provided us with this opportunity, showing that, yes, women can be everywhere, as we have the capacity to learn, evolve, and perform any function we desire. It is very gratifying to be a Woman in Papermaking! Thanks to the course, I learned many things, and, without a doubt, the learning is carried throughout life, inspiring us to seek more achievements and evolution every day” — Jurema da Aparecida Romão Lima, hired as a Production Assistant at INCAPE
“Firstly, I would like to thank you for the opportunity given to us. I don’t recall any company taking such an initiative. For me, it was an extremely rewarding experience as I learned a lot, always alert to every shared and transmitted piece of information, absorbing knowledge. My heartfelt thanks to the people who made this project happen” — Marlene Gosava Heinzen, hired as a Mechanical Assistant at INCAPE
“It is necessary to reflect on the barriers still present, and INCAPE, by bringing this initiative and embracing the gender equality agenda through knowledge, created valuable internal opportunities for the development of women. This shows that the company is actively participating in the commitment to transform the world into a more equal place. Despite the understanding and importance of the theme, we still encounter structural barriers concerning gender equality. Participating in the ‘Women in Papermaking’ project demonstrates how capable we are of becoming agents of transformation through practices focused on diversity and inclusion, aiming to promote a more equal, respectful, safe, and healthy work environment for all” – Joele Daiane de Aquino, HR supervisor at INCAPE