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Pampers launches diaper with new blowout barrier

The new blowout barrier is designed to prevent up to 100% leaks, giving parents one less worry on their list

Diaper blowout, a nightmare that can terrify parents regardless of their experience, have been the subject of a recent survey. Each week, there are about 13 million incidents of diaper blowouts in the United States. In addition, six out of ten parents fear dealing with this problem, and more than 35% live with the constant worry that a blowout could occur at any time.

In the face of this widespread concern, Pampers has introduced a significant innovation in the form of the revamped Pampers Swaddlers, highlighting its new feature, the Blowout Barrier. This new blowout barrier is designed to prevent up to 100% leaks, including blowouts, giving parents one less worry on their list.

“As a dad and NBA athlete, I know a thing or two about preventing blowouts both on and off the court,” said CJ McCollum. “The shame and embarrassment of dealing with a diaper blowout, especially when I’m out and about with my son, is real. I’m excited that Pampers Swaddlers are here to help make blowouts a thing of the past.”

Pampers Swaddlers are equipped with a unique design that includes a back waist cuff, front waistband, and absorbent top sheet, all designed to prevent diaper leaks and keep baby’s skin dry and healthy.

“This is an exciting new innovation for Pampers,” said Marty Vanderstelt, father of two and Senior Vice President – North America Baby Care. “To this day, I still remember an epic diaper blowout I experienced with my son while we were at the park without a bathroom or changing room in sight. We created the new Blowout Barrier to give parents peace of mind and help do away with what was always considered a parenting rite of passage.”

Pampers has established meaningful collaborations with personalities Tia Mowry and CJ McCollum to share their experiences related to diaper blowouts and provide a clearer perspective on this problem. These partnerships highlight how the new Pampers Swaddlers have been successful in preventing blowouts and reducing parental anxiety around the issue. These innovative diapers are designed with key features that include dual protective barriers along the leg cuff to address leaks in critical areas, LockAway channels that wick moisture away from baby’s skin, and soft flexible sides that ensure the diaper stays in place, adapting to baby’s every move.

“As a mom of two, I’m no stranger to blowouts,” said Tia Mowry. “A blowout in the wrong place at the wrong time can completely throw off your entire day, but I know that the show must go on. I wish that I had this Blowout Barrier when my kids were in diapers!”

Other findings from the national survey:

  • Four in 10 parents have actively avoided going to certain places due to fear of a potential blowout
  • On average 29 million onesies, 16 million t-shirts and 12 million pants fall victim to diaper blowouts each year
  • Top Feared Places for a Blowout to Happen: Restaurants (64%), shopping centers (56%), airplanes (53%), and public transport (52%)
  • Other Worst Blowout Moments: while stuck somewhere with no bathrooms (60%), while driving with nowhere to stop (59%), while swimming in a public pool/spa (51%) tied with while baby is on someone else’s lap (51%)

Pampers Swaddlers with the NEW Blowout Barrier are now available where Pampers are sold. For more information, please visit

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