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Suzano Announces Alliance to Restore and Preserve Forests in Brazil

The initiative’s mission over the next 20 years is to restore and protect four million hectares of native forest in some of Brazil's most valuable ecosystems

During an event held at the Climate Conference, COP27, in Egypt, Suzano announced the creation of a new company focused entirely on the restoration, conservation and preservation of forests in Brazil. The new entity includes other major companies Itaú Unibanco, Marfrig, Rabobank, Santander and Vale.

The initiative’s mission over the next 20 years is to restore and protect four million hectares of native forest in some of Brazil’s most valuable ecosystems, including the Amazon, Atlantic Forest and Cerrado biomes — an area approximately equivalent to the size of Switzerland or Rio de Janeiro state, in Brazil.

Initially called ‘Biomas’, the company will restore two million hectares of degraded land by planting approximately two billion native trees, as part of a complex operational project on a vast scale. The company will also conserve and preserve two million hectares.

In addition to the environmental benefits, the alliance’s aim is to stimulate regional development and strengthen local communities through their involvement in the value chain.

Each partner will initially commit R$20 million to support the early years of Biomas activities. “Biomas’ objective is to promote a sustainable business model also from a financial point of view, enabling each restoration, conservation and preservation project based on the commercialization of carbon credits,” Suzano said.

The alliance will prevent — considering removals and avoided emissions — approximately 900 million tons of carbon from being released into the atmosphere in the next 20 years. In addition, it is estimated that the company will contribute to the protection of more than 4,000 species of animals and plants.

The project’s first stage will consist of identifying target areas, establishing nurseries for large-scale production of native trees, engaging with communities, advocating for public land concessions, working on carbon credits certification and implementing pilot projects.

From 2025, Biomas will then expand, rolling out restoration and conservation projects on a vast scale until it reaches its 4 million hectares goal.

The establishment of this company is subject to the usual regulatory approvals.

“We gathered the strength of these companies in an unprecedented initiative in the world to promote a movement of positive impact, with effective conditions to generate and share value with local communities and the environment through the promotion of restoration, conservation and preservation actions. There is no more time for promises, it is time for action,” stated Walter Schalka, president of Suzano.

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