WaterWipes Joins Responsible Flushing Alliance
WaterWipes is the 31st company to join RFA’s growing coalition of wipes manufacturers
The Responsible Flushing Alliance (RFA) welcomed its 31st member – WaterWipes – in its growing coalition of wipes manufacturers, wastewater groups, and public health advocates aiming to educate consumers on what not to flush and spread greater awareness of the “Do Not Flush” symbol.
“We are encouraged to see continued growth for the RFA in this new year,” said RFA President Lara Wyss. “WaterWipes, as a company that produces non-flushable wipes that serve important functions for babies and parents alike, will be an excellent partner in showing how wipes manufacturers are leading the way when it comes to consumer education about what not to flush.”
RFA’s #FlushSmart campaign focuses on reminding wipes consumers of what not to flush, while also promoting the responsible habit of looking for the “Do Not Flush” symbol before disposing of their wipes. In 2022, the campaign reached more than 8 million consumer screens with its digital-first advertising content and more than 1 billion aggregated readers through media mentions. In 2023, the RFA aims to expand its audience to more consumers as the symbol on non-flushable wet wipes packaging becomes more common in homes.
“WaterWipes are delighted to join the Responsible Flushing Alliance and be part of the journey to promote responsible flushing habits. Along with our fellow members, we hope to further educate consumers to make cleaner, safer, and healthier choices for themselves and our communities,” said Dr. Emer Gilligan, External Affairs Director, WaterWipes.