Pulp News

AF&PA Calls for Infrastructure Investments in Support of U.S. Manufacturing Jobs

“Modernizing our nation’s infrastructure and investing in manufacturing jobs will be welcome improvements for the U.S. forest products industry” - Heidi Brock, AF&PA President and CEO

The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) President and CEO Heidi Brock released the following statement on President Joe Biden’s infrastructure plan.

“AF&PA looks forward to working with the Administration and Congress on important infrastructure investment proposals, many of which are included in President Biden’s American Jobs Plan. Modernizing our nation’s infrastructure and investing in manufacturing jobs will be welcome improvements for the U.S. forest products industry, which employs approximately 950,000 individuals and manufactures nearly $300 billion in products annually.

“However, AF&PA cannot support the tax increases put forth in the Made in America Tax Plan. These increases would adversely impact U.S. manufacturing and put jobs at risk during a fragile economic recovery. This aspect of the proposal would significantly upset global competitiveness while undermining the promises of the American Jobs Plan.”


The American Forest & Paper Association (AF&PA) serves to advance a sustainable U.S. pulp, paper, packaging, tissue and wood products manufacturing industry through fact-based public policy and marketplace advocacy. Visit AF&PA online at  afandpa.org/.

American Forest & Paper Association
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