Large Brazilian pulp manufacturers started yet another round of fiber price increases, such as Klabin and Suzano. The adjustment is US$ 30 per ton of hardwood in the Asian market, effective from June 1st.
In addition to hardwood, Klabin also raised the prices of fluff pulp, used in disposable diapers and sanitary pads, in China, Europe and the United States.
With the increase announced and just applied by South American producers, the price of hardwood in China should reach US$ 840 per ton next month.
Last week, according to Fastmarkets Foex, eucalyptus pulp was practically stable in the Chinese spot market, with a slight gain of US$ 0.40, to US$ 812.29 per ton.
BTG Pactual reported, in a report on the 20th, that the resale price of pulp in China had increased by US$ 34.20 per ton, reaching US$ 850.27 – a value above that of imports.
Klabin, the only Brazilian producer of hardwood, softwood and fluff pulp, raised the price of fluff pulp in Asia for June by US$ 50 per ton. In Europe and the United States, the increase will be US$ 80 per ton.
The new round of price increases, especially for China, next month is underpinned by scheduled and unscheduled shutdowns at plants around the world and logistical bottlenecks that are limiting international trade.