Essity contributes to increased handwashing awareness
The Hygiene and health company Essity is strengthening their dedication to the Global Handwashing Partnership, as a strategic partner.

The Global Handwashing Partnership was established in 2001. The Global Handwashing Partnership is a coalition of international stakeholders who work explicitly to promote handwashing with soap and recognize hygiene as a pillar of international development and public health.
Essity has been a member since 2017 and will now become one of the few strategic partners. Other members include government agencies, multilateral organizations, corporations, non-governmental organizations, and academic institutions.
“Hand hygiene is essential for our well-being and with an ongoing pandemic we all need to do more to increase hygiene practices, now and in the future”, says Magnus Groth, CEO and President of Essity.
The initiative ‘Hand Hygiene for All’ brings together international partners, national governments, public and private sectors, and civil society to ensure products and services for hand hygiene are available, especially in disadvantaged countries and areas.
“The Global Handwashing Partnership is a core partner of the ‘Hand Hygiene for All’ global initiative, co-led by WHO and UNICEF, Essity will contribute to the goal that hand hygiene becomes normalized and habitual and thus achieving the vision of hand hygiene for all by 2030. Essity is an important partner with us in this initiative, sharing their thought leadership to support hand hygiene in schools and work environments.” Ron Clemmer, Secretariat Director, Global Handwashing Partnership
Essity’s Tork brand supports hand hygiene through products like paper hand towels, soap and sanitizers.