As of this year, Suzano will have a Board of Directors composed of three women. Ana Paula Pessoa, Gabriela Feffer Moll and Maria Priscila Rodini Vansetti Machado represent 33% of the nine seats in the group that helps build and direct the company’s strategy.
According to a study carried out by B3, among every 100 companies with shares traded on the Stock Exchange in Brazil, only six have three or more women in management positions and 61 do not have women among their statutory executives. In this way, Suzano joins a select group of publicly traded companies that have more than 30% women among their members.
Another characteristic of Suzano’s Board of Directors is the participation of independent members: 55% of the people – five out of nine – are independent. “The word renewal has a special meaning for the company. The basis of our business is renewable, and it could not be different within the Board. We are going through a cultural change within the company that should be reflected in the entire leadership”, says David Feffer, Chairman of the Board of Directors.
As approved at the meeting held at the end of April, Suzano’s Board of Directors is now composed of the following members: David Feffer, Daniel Feffer, Nildemar Secches, Maria Priscila Rodini Vansetti Machado, Ana Paula Pessoa, Rodrigo Calvo Galindo, Paulo Rogerio Caffarelli, Gabriela Feffer Moll and Paulo Sergio Kakinoff. The mandate is valid for two years.