J.D. Irving invests in the education of employee’s children
The 135 students that were awarded with the scholarship represent 46 universities, colleges and training institutes across Canada and the U.S.

J.D. Irving announced the investment of around US$ 135,000 that will be made this year in scholarships to be granted by each of the company’s business divisions to the children of employees who will start or are already in full-time higher education at from September. The 135 students that were awarded with the scholarship represent 46 universities, colleges and training institutes across Canada and the U.S..
Vice President of Human Resources Linda Speedy speaks proudly of the annual scholarship program: “We have proudly been supporting the employee child scholarship program for a long time. We have outstanding employees and finding ways to encourage their families’ investment in education is important to us. We hire over 900 students each year and the employee child scholarships are a wonderful opportunity to engage with the next generations of leaders. We are excited to see the potential of these inspiring students.”
With such initiatives, JDI puts one of its values into practice: “The responsibility to make a positive difference in our communities, where we are proud to live and work, as well as for the health of the land, air and water that sustain our world.”