North American Tissue News

Edson provides case packing automation solutions to improve efficiencies

Automating case packing processes can save on costs and streamline operations

When it comes to diapers and feminine hygiene products, consumers want the assurance that such items have not been handled during their manufacturing process and, knowing this, companies have chosen to automate their upstream processes to eliminate the need of the human contact in the manufacturing process.

However, this is not necessarily the case downstream at the end of the line when packing product into cases. When products are ready to be packed in boxes, they have probably already been packaged and wrapped, so there is less concern about people handling the product.

Some smaller to medium sized companies still hand-pack their products, which is a perfectly acceptable practice and which they have been successfully doing for years, but by automating their case packing they could be doing it more efficiently and saving money in the long run. Automated processes provide greater efficiency.

It is common for companies to hire twenty or more temporary workers when needed to pack a large shipment – when production is slower, they may need only ten – but this hiring strategy ‘only when needed’ can limit the growth of organizations, especially with big orders. When trying to hire and manage a large group of temporary workers, account must be taken of the time spent searching, in addition to all the costs and insurance to have these workers on site.

Another reason for companies to choose automation is rooted in the lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic. Most manufacturing companies have allocated extra space among employees for social distance, in addition to other security measures that may end up becoming permanent in the future, which can pose a problem if the production line has twenty or more employees.

Automating the box packaging operation greatly minimizes concerns about social distance, reducing the team that operates these lines.

Concern for employee health is another reason why automation is more beneficial. A company that is manually packaging its products probably also has not automated its palletizing operation, which means that employees are repeatedly bending over or twisting to hand wrap pallets which can lead to painful back strain injuries.

Automation is truly driving case packing for not only diapers and feminine care products, but other converted paper products like toilet paper, paper towel, tissue and other items.

Machinery today is flexible enough to handle a variety of sizes with quick, easy-to-initiate changeovers thanks to intelligent HMI interface. In the packaging process, people never want to be the bottleneck that backs everything up and, by automating the company’s case packing process, those fears are gone.

There is a reason why most major converted paper expansion within North America in the past several years has used Edson for their end-of-line case packing. Will you be the next?


Edson manufactures case and tray packing systems with unrivaled expertise in handling delicate tissue and paper-based products while maintaining high levels of packing performance. Edson’s core offerings include high-speed horizontal case packing, product handling, and integrated solutions. Like their machinery, Edson’s relationships with their customers are built to last, achieving a legacy of excellence with the most renowned tissue converting companies. Edson is a product brand of ProMach, a global leader in packaging line solutions. As part of the ProMach Robotics & End of Line business line, Edson helps our packaging customers protect their reputation and grow the trust of their consumers. ProMach is performance, and the proof is in every package. Learn more about Edson at and more about ProMach at

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