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Sofidel and WWF working with Italian schools towards the 2030 Agenda

A school year that will be spent discovering the wonders of forests together with WWF Italy and Regina (Sofidel Group). Detailed information sheets, school and home-based activities, and digital games to get to know and cherish our planet.

“I’ll Take Care of You” (Mi Curo di Te), the educational project promoted by WWF and Regina (Sofidel Group), restarts with a new year full of insights as well as analogue and digital activities to discover, know and cherish our planet, starting from forests and knowledge of the UN 2030 Agenda. The programme is free and aimed at primary and secondary schools in Italy.

“As WWF we’re looking at how we can save the communities and cultures that depend on forests, and ensure forests continue to store carbon, filter our water, supply food, wood and other resources as well as the habitat for millions of species,” commented Isabella Pratesi, Director of Conservation at WWF Italy. “In such an unusual year as the one we’re currently living through, with this educational project we want to support young people with energy, so that they themselves become the voice of change and the representatives of a new balance between man and nature.”

“School, the environment and information are three central themes for building a more sustainable future,” explained Susanna Bellandi, Sofidel Creative, Communication and CSR Director.“Three areas in which Sofidel and Regina, together with WWF, intend to play their part with the “I’ll Take Care of You” educational programme. An investment in education to help new generations develop the knowledge to help them understand their time and prepare for a more environmentally balanced and socially inclusive future.”

The “I’ll Take Care of You” project, established in 2014, has involved over 265,000 Italian schoolchildren over the last six years, looking in detail at the topics of “Forests”, “Water” and “Climate”.

From this year, the updated three-year project on the same themes offers primary and secondary schools new content, new mechanisms and new tools to involve even more pupils and families, with the aim of raising awareness about care and respect for the planet. All with an exceptional mascot: Milla, the ant that stars in the Regina Cartacamomilla toilet paper commercials.

The 2020/2021 edition looks in particular at the importance of plants and forests for life on the planet, promoting knowledge of the UN 2030 Agenda and some of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). More in detail, the course addresses the wonder that plants and forests arouse in those who know how to listen to and observe them, the factors that threaten their survival and possible solutions to the problem of forest loss. And it focuses on those who, like Regina and the Sofidel Group, produce paper through responsible use of forest resources.

In addition, the programme is integrated with the new Italian ministerial guidelines on the teaching of Civic Education (topic: Sustainability), also adapting to distance learning at a time when the COVID-19 emergency has made this method increasingly relevant.

The course ends with a contest, with various prizes up for grabs, which rewards the creativity of children and young people and emphasises the involvement of families and schools.

To learn more and sign up to the initiative, visit the website (in Italian):

To watch the launch video for the initiative (in Italian), visit:

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