Sofidel organizes online event to promote debate on the challenges of the climate crisis
The roundtable is proposed to allow participants to discuss the fundamental role of schools in raising the awareness of new generations on sustainability, sustainable development, and ecological transition

Sofidel, one of the largest tissue paper producers in the world, takes social responsibility and the development of the community where it operates very seriously.
Therefore, as part of the “All4Climate-Italy2021” campaign, promoted by Italy’s Ministry of Ecological Transition to promote active debate on the challenges of the climate crisis prior to the Milan Pre-COP (September 30 – October 2) and Glasgow COP26 (November 1 – 12, 2021), together with WWF Italy, the company is organizing the online event “School for Sustainable Development”.
The roundtable – to be held in Italian – is scheduled for September 27, 2021, from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. CET (Central European Time) and is proposed to allow participants to discuss the fundamental role of schools in raising the awareness of new generations on the topics of sustainability, sustainable development, and ecological transition.
In addition to Sofidel, the Undersecretary of State at the Italy’s Ministry of Education, Sen. Barbara Floridia, and the Director of WWF Italy’s Conservation Program, Isabella Pratesi, will take part.
The appointment will also be the opportunity to present the 2021/2022 edition of the environmental education project “I’ll Take Care of You: Working with Schools towards the 2030 Agenda”. The educational program is aimed at primary and secondary schools and is integrated in the Italian ministerial guidelines for Civic Education.
In the seven editions of the project, more than 380,000 pupils in more than 17,000 classes in Italian schools have been reached by the initiative. This eighth year (2021-2022) is dedicated to the theme “Climate and Climate Change” and will be officially launched at the end of September.
To participate in the online event, fill out the registration form (in Italian).